Friday, August 22, 2014

Oh the antici...........................................................................PATION!

I think my Courier must be a little bemused by the little dance I do whenever I see him pull up in my driveway. The other day my little dance started but was stopped abruptly when I saw that he was only carrying two small parcels - and they weren't even for me!

So far my guy has delivered ***refer to disclaimer***:
Yellow Happy Guy
Green Dinosaur
Miss Mouse
Mr Mouse

And I'm hoping that any day he will deliver one of the following characters who have been ordered and paid for - and who will be itching to come to your party to entertain you and your littlies:
A Young Female Doctor
A Yellow Sponge
A Friendly, Fluffy Red Monster
An Exploring Girl With A Back Pack
A Roundish Sort Of Bear Who Is Fond Of Honey
A Bouncy Tiger

I'm sure you have an image of what these guys might look like. Photos to follow just as soon as they arrive.

And of course, we are in close communication with the Big Man in the Red Suit himself - Santa!

Watch this space!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Busting some moves!

Here we are at our first ever dance practice...with a 10 year old camera operator (hence the 2 false starts). Love her critique (sorry Yellow Guy!) and musical accompliament!

Seems to be a lot easier than Twerking (don't ask!), but still very energetic. Some people might go to the gym to keep fit, but we're happy just to shake our booties in a couple of sauna suits!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Friday, August 8, 2014

Friday, August 1, 2014

Watch this space!

8 amazing new mascot costumes are currently being shipped so that they'll be ready in plenty of time for our opening in October! Keep an eye on this page for the Big Reveal of who could be your surprise guest at your next special event. We'll be adding to our collection from time to time so remember to check in to see who our latest mascots are.